Monday Meditation – Matthew 25:23

December 5, 2016

today’s meditation verse…

Matthew 25:23  His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’

I think it is safe to say that the world is longing for joy. It is that ultimate feeling that overshadows all other emotions. That first feeling of being ‘in love’ is joyous and often gives way as true love, commitment, settles in and we do the right thing whether it feels joyous or not.

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My Heart

January 29, 2015

I’ve had something heavy on my heart this past week.  I am writing this today because I realize that there are a lot of people out there reading my bible study blog that do not know me personally.  They may also only read one or two blogs here and there which may only portray a small facet of who I am and what I believe. Continue reading

I Can’t Take the Pressure! Part Three

December 8, 2014

Well by now hopefully you have read Part 1, Part 2 and the cheat.  But I wanted to write one more post pulling this all together for you.

As we saw in part 1 the choice that Jesus requires us to make is the narrow path.  That path is one where there is a guarantee of obstacles which will cause us to feel pressure in our lives.  This narrow gate leads us to a journey that while facing these obstacles through study of the word, leaning to the Holy Spirit for constant guidance and determination to seek first the kingdom while having a firm resolve to not give up no matter what, we will find a life of divine peace, joy and pleasure.  Continue reading

I Can’t Take the Pressure! Part Two

December 8, 2014

This is part 2 of a recent study on pressure.  If you have not read part 1, please click HERE and read it first.   Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 and the cheat

I was discussing the Scripture Matthew 7:13-14

Here is the long translation I created using the Greek meanings of the words.

Matthew 7:13 & 14

13) Enter through the folding entrance with obstacles standing close about applying pressure because the folding entrance that is spread out and spacious is the journey that leads away to physical, spiritual and eternal destruction where many agree to go in through.

14) For the folding entrance is narrow with obstacles standing close about applying pressure and on that journey they will suffer tribulation that leads into life and a puny number are those who perceive it.

Today I want to look a little closer at these verses. Continue reading

I Can’t Take the Pressure!

December 8, 2014

Recently I’ve seen a discussion and video circulating the internet regarding a man who decided that he wanted to be eaten by an Anaconda.  Apparently he had a special suit made so that the digestive juices wouldn’t harm him.  This was a journey he was curious about and wanted to know what an animal that experienced this felt and saw.

But very quickly into this experiment he called for them to pull him out.  It seems he failed to account for the intense pressure which the muscles of the snake apply to its meal.  Before the digestive juices could even begin to break down the content, the muscles of the snake apply such an intense pressure that crushes it, kills it and condenses it into a digestible form.

Once the man’s head was swallowed by the snake, he screamed to be pulled out because the intense pressure being applied was unbearable and he knew his skull would be crushed. Continue reading

I Want Patience and I Want It Right Now

September 29, 2014

I’ve been thinking this morning about patience. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and something that we so often joke about.

“Don’t pray for patience or you’re likely to be forced to use it!”

“Lord give me patience, right now!”

There are more, but you know what I mean. Let me ask you; is there anything more peaceful in your life then being able to be patient when the situation demands it? When you know that for a situation to work out – or not – you can do nothing but be patient and you are, isn’t that the greatest feeling? Continue reading

Is Life Fair?

December 8, 2012

this is a continuation of the post who are the greedy. i recommend that read that you read that post prior to reading this one.

let’s consider a few things as we ponder this scripture.

deuteronomy 8:18 – but remember the lord your god, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.

there are countless scriptures in the bible confirming god’s desire for us is to have more than enough, living an abundant life. but there are so many who are not living in abundance.

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Who Are The Greedy?

December 7, 2012

Those who live in America are blessed just to be able to live in such a great country. Most have no idea just how blessed they are because they have not seen other countries and those who are not blessed.

Here in American those who don’t feel blessed make that judgment based by comparing themselves with other blessed people here in the same country.

Yes there are many in need in this country. There are homeless people, people who go hungry and those who are destitute. Continue reading

Monday Meditation – I Kings 17:1-3

December 3, 2012

today’s mediation verse…

i kings 17:1-3

1now elijah the tishbite, from tishbea in gilead, said to ahab, “as the lord, the god of israel, lives, whom i serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.”

2then the word of the lord came to elijah: 3“leave here, turn eastward and hide in the kerith ravine, east of the jordan. 4you will drink from the brook, and i have ordered the ravens to feed you there.”

5so he did what the lord had told him. he went to the kerith ravine, east of the jordan, and stayed there. 6the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

where does your trust lie?

i have seen the fear of ‘not having’ drive good people to do things and believe in things that i never thought possible. Continue reading

The Anti-Anxiety Remedy

November 21, 2012

Philippians 4:6
New International Version (NIV)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This scripture is a very well known scripture, one that we often quote even if only in part. We often say ‘be anxious f or nothing’. But the key to not be anxious is in the remainder of the verse. That part alone will not be enough for we cannot force ourselves to not be anxious just by determining we won’t. Continue reading